Tuesday, 15 April 2014

New Content: Fangorn

So our first new post-Helm's Deep content was released yesterday with Fangorn Forest. I haven't been there yet but thought I'd share some preemptive thoughts anyway.

First off, it's nice to see things swerve away from Rohan a bit and to take a break from the central plot of LOTR (and yes, the ents marching on Isengard is a (vitally important) side story, being told in flashback in the books). I'm hoping that we can spend a bit more time wandering the world of Middle-earth without being driven through by the War of the Ring story.

Personally I'd like to see more, but Turbine has worked themselves into a bit of a spot here. While it would be possible to go do some questing in Northern Mirkwood, or even go to Dale or Erebor to help make preparations for the coming war with Sauron, now that Helm's Deep is over the lore only leaves about 2 weeks before the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.

Not that that's likely to stop anyone. After all, in the time it took the hobbits to make it to Rivendell we quested through Ered Luin, The Shire, Bree-land, the North Downs, Evendim, the Lone-lands and the Trollshaws. By the time we followed them into Moria we'd also done the Misty Mountains, Forochel, Angmar, and Eregion, and we still caught up to them in Lothlorien! So it's hardly beyond the realm of expectation that we might see some of the Northeastern parts of Rhovanion before we head to Gondor. The epic story? It's really more of a guideline...

Secondly, we need to give a tip of the hat for a revamp of the inventory system. It's been overdue for a while and it's nice to see some attention being payed to UI and not just to gameplay. I'd still like to see some sort of sorting option, but hey, you have to leave something for later, right?

Likewise with mail. Finally, I can send a complete set of gear to someone in a single mail instead of needing 5 or 6 or more. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Finally, the Anniversary event begins today. Go have some fun and celebrate LOTRO's birthday.

Also, for those who don't already have Helm's Deep, it's on sale in the LOTRO store this week. Grab it now while it's only half price.

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